"Educating Through Storytelling"
What We Offer:
For Educators and Schools
Storytelling Performances (Anansi Folktales and personal stories)
Professional Development (Storytelling as a Teaching Model and Finding Your Inner Griot)
Educational Sing-Alongs (Includes childhood favorites and original songs)
Literacy Tool Kits (Includes our most recent children's book, parent guide, and t-shirt)
Program Curriculum (Story Explorers, Family Treasures & Literacy Matters)
For Personal Development
Storytelling Workshops (How to Tell a Captivating Story, and Healing Through Your Story)
Individual Creative Coaching (6-8 intensive sessions)
Group Creative Coaching: "90-day program" (12 sessions) (Coaching programs are ideal for aspiring authors)

70's Baby

Anancy & Fire
Booking Inquiries
“Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."
Igbo Proverb